First ReNEW Summer School

First ReNEW Summer School

ReNEW (Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World) is a research hub established in 2018 to enhance cooperation to develop new and path-breaking excellence in research about the Nordic region. One of ReNEW‘s activities during the five-year duration of the project is to...
Book Publication: African Peacekeeping Training Centres

Book Publication: African Peacekeeping Training Centres

The book by EDDA Researcher Anne Flaspöler, African Peacekeeping Training Centres: Socialisation as a Tool for Peace? has just been published by Routledge. The publication was supported by the EDDA Center and the United Nations University Gender Studies and Training...
“States of Exception” and the Politics of Anger

“States of Exception” and the Politics of Anger

The EDDA Research Center, in cooperation with the ReNEW Excellence Hub, hosts an international conference—to be held at the University of Iceland on 19–20 October 2018—on emergency politics. It brings together scholars in diverse academic fields to explore “states of...
EDDA-ReNEW Fellowship Awards

EDDA-ReNEW Fellowship Awards

The EDDA Center is pleased to announce the award of three PhD and postdoctoral fellowships as part of its participation in the Nordic Excellence Hub “Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World” (ReNEW). Pontus Erik Gunnar Järvstad, a doctoral student in history at the...