by Elín Björk | May 6, 2012 | Events, News
On Friday 11 May, Dave Brady, Associate Professor of Sociology, will give a public talk entitled “When Unionization Disappears: Working Poverty in Comparative Perspective”. The lecture will be held at Lögberg 101, University of Iceland, at 12.00-13.00. It is organized...
by Elín Björk | Apr 20, 2012 | EDDA in the Media, News
The radio programme Víðsjá, aired by the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service, broadcasted an interview with Arnaldur Sölvi Kristjánsson in relation to the EDDA-sponsored conference Women, Gender Equality and Economic Crisis and his conference...
by Elín Björk | Apr 20, 2012 | EDDA in the Media, News
The radio programme Spegillinn, aired by the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service, broadcasted an interview with Randy Albelda in relation to the EDDA-sponsored conference Women, Gender Equality and Economic Crisis and her conference...
by Elín Björk | Apr 18, 2012 | EDDA in the Media, News
Thora Thorsdóttir was interviewed on the enzine Smugan in relation to the EDDA-sponsored conference Women, Gender Equality and Economic Crisis and her conference contribution.
by Elín Björk | Apr 13, 2012 | Academic Forum, Events, News
EDDA – Center of Excellence, in collaboration with Fairness at Work Research Group, European Work and Employment Research Centre, Manchester Business School and the Centre for Gender Studies, Panteion University, will organize the international symposium Women, Gender...
by Elín Björk | Feb 21, 2012 | EDDA in the Media, News
The cultural affairs radio programme Víðsjá, hosted by the National Broadcasting Services, broadcasted an interview with EDDA researchers Gunnþórunn Guðmundsdóttir and Daisy Neijmann in connection with a public lecture hosted by the Historians...