Together with the Berlin-based Institute of Cultural Diplomacy (ICD), EDDA hosts the “Reykjavik Roundtable on Human Rights: Democratic Accountability, State Sovereignty, and International Governance” that will be held on 28 April 2016 at the National Heritage Building in Reykjavík. The purpose of the conference is to gather academics, judges and defense lawyers at the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice, politicians, and human rights representatives at the Council of Europe and other institutions to discuss the tension between human rights regimes and Great Power politics. Panel themes include human rights violations and state sovereignty; democratic accountability, transnational rights, and international obligations; the mediation of human rights protection in the United Nations; human rights conventions: international governance, state prerogatives, and non-state involvement.

The conference program is available here.

Morgunblaðið interviewed Aka­ash Maharaj, CEO of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC), and one of the participants in the Reykjavik Roundtable. The article is available here.