The NORA conference 2019, was co-hosted by EDDA, RIKK – Institute for gender, equality and difference and UNU-GEST. The conference focused on critical feminist cross-disciplinary research and activities relying on contemporary and/or historical perspectives as well as the theme of material and symbolic borders in a period of nationalist revival, putting forward questions on the return to territoriality; the construction of new political, cultural and social boundaries; the shaping of border regimes gendering relations; the boundaries affecting work for social justice and equality as well as intersectional, gender, queer and feminist research, and how feminist resistance can be organized against paternalistic modes that reinstate and reinforce relations of inequality.
Keynote speakers: Diana Mulinari, Professor at Department of Gender Studies University of Lund, Sweden; Kim TallBear, Associate Professor, Faculty of Native Studies, University of Alberta and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience, and Environment; Madina Tlostanova (Lostan), Professor of postcolonial feminisms, Department of Thematic Studies/Gender Studies Unit, Linkoping University; Miriam Ticktin, Associate Professor and Chair of Anthropology at The New School for Social Research; and Rauna Kuokkanen, Professor, Arctic Indigenous Politics, University of Lapland and Associate Professor, Political Science & Indigenous Studies, University of Toronto