EDDA began collaborating with the European Work and Employment Research Center (EWERC) at the University of Manchester, in 2010, on the gendered effects of the economic recession. It is a part of the research project entitled “Gender and Recession”, which belongs to EDDA Research Area 2. EDDA researcher Þóra Þórsdóttir represents the Cluster in this project. The collaboration takes the form of workshops and academic publications. One symposium – organized by EDDA and held at the University of Iceland in the spring of 2012 – focused on gender and recession with emphasis on work and employment, the division of labour, health, the risk of poverty, gender ideology or gender roles. Work is currently under way to publish the presentations of the workshop in a collected volume published by Routledge and edited by Jill Rubery, a Professor at Manchester Business School. A third partner, the Center for Gender Studies at Panteion University also organized a workshop as part of the project in late 2011 in Greece. The project is also supported by several Icelandic government bodies and agencies: the Ministry of Welfare, the National Council for Gender Equality, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of the Interior.