We look forward to welcoming you to the 7th Nordic Challenges Conference: Uncertain Futures: Nordic (In-)Securities, New Geopolitics and Societal Ruptures, University of Iceland, 22–24 may 2024
Conference Programme
Practical Info and Useful Links
University of Iceland Code of Ethics
If you have an Instagram account, you can see the venues and locations in highlights here.
Conference Net:
Password: 51483891
Day 1: Wednesday 21 May (11:00–18:00)
The first day of the conference will be held in Veröld, Brynjólfsgata 1.
Several bus lines, including 1, 3, 6, 11, 12, and 15, stop near Veröld.
You can find information on purchasing bus tickets here but note that you can not pay by card in the buses.
Registration opens at 11:00 in Veröld (open space on ground floor).

There will be coffee/tea and light refreshments, but lunch is not served on the first day of the conference.
The conference’s opening session begins at 12:00 with welcome remarks by Irma Erlingsdóttir, Director of the EDDA Research Center, and an opening address by Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland, and a network overview by Peter Stadius, Project Leader of ReNEW.
From 13:00 to 14:00, Julia Suárez-Krabbe (University of Roskilde) gives the first keynote lecture, Human Rights, Development and Coloniality: A Global Outlook, chaired by Giti Chandra (University of Iceland).
The opening session and keynote lecture will be in the auditorium in Veröld.
14:00–14:30 Coffee Break in Veröld (open space on the ground floor)
Parallel sessions from 14:45 to 16:15 in rooms V-007 and V-008 in Veröld (ground floor) and the auditorium.
The conference reception is from 16:30 to 18:00 in Veröld (open space on the ground floor).
Day 2: Thursday 22 May (9:00–16:30, Conference dinner 19:00–21:00)
Registration in room V-108 in Veröld from 9:30–12:00.
The second day of the conference will be held in Veröld and at Háskólatorg.
Bus lines 1, 3, 6, 11, 12, and 15 stop near Háskólatorg and Veröld.
Registration in Veröld VHV-108 from 9:00 to 16:00
Parallel sessions from 9:00 to 10:30 at Háskólatorg, on the first floor, in rooms HT-101, HT-103, and HT-104.

10:30–10:45 Coffee Break at Háskólatorg (open space on the first floor by the rooms).
Parallel sessions from 11:00 to 12:30 in room HT-101 at Háskólatorg and rooms V-007 and V-008 in Veröld.
The two buildings are connected (it takes approximately two minutes to walk from the first floor at Háskólatorg to the ground floor in Veröld, see Háskólatorgs floorplan above).
12:30–13:15 Lunch in Veröld
From 13:30 to 14:30, Sergei Medvedev (Charles University) will give the second keynote lecture, The War in Ukraine as Part of World War III, chaired by Jón Ólafsson (University of Iceland).
14:30–14:45 Coffee Break in Veröld
Parallel sessions from 15:00 to 16:30 in Veröld’s auditorium and rooms V-007 and V-008.
The conference dinner (three-course menu, wine exluded) will be held at La Primavera Restaurant in Harpa, Austurbakki 2, starting at 19:00 (please note that there are two La Primavera Restaurants in Reykjavík, the dinner is at the restaurant in Harpa). The dinner is not included in the registration fee, and bouoght seperately. You can register and pay for the dinner here.
The winners of the Early Career Paper Prize will be announced during the conference dinner.
If you have any dietary restrictions or allergies not noted when registering for the conference, please notify Svanhildur by emailing svanhildur@hi.is.
Day 3: Friday, 24 May (9:00–13:30)
The third day of the conference will be held at Háskólatorg and Veröld.
Parallel sessions from 9:00 to 10:30 at Háskólatorg, on the first floor, in rooms HT-101, HT-103, and HT-104.
10:30–10:45 Coffee Break at Háskólatorg (open space on the first floor by the rooms).
Parallel sessions are from 11:00 to 12:15 at Háskólatorg, room HT-101 on the first floor, and in Veröld, rooms V-007 and V-008 are on the ground floor.
The two buildings are connected (it takes approximately two minutes to walk from the first floor at Háskólatorg to the ground floor in Veröld).
12:15–12:50 Lunch in Veröld (open space on the ground floor).
From 13:00 to 13:30 the conference’s closing will be held in the auditorium in Veröld with a goodbye note and live music.
We hope you will enjoy the conference and your stay in Reykjavík!