Past Vacancies

The following previously advertised positions have now closed.



  • A Post-Doctoral Research Position. Gender-Based Violence and Nordic Political and Legal Cultures 

The EDDA Research Center at the University of Iceland seeks to hire a post-doctoral researcher in the Humanities and/or Social Sciences as part of its participation in the Nordic Excellence Hub “Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World” (ReNEW). The post-doctoral researcher will conduct a study on a topic related to Gender-Based Violence within the Context of Nordic Political and Legal Cultures, which will contribute to the research programs of EDDA and ReNEW. The aim is to improve understanding of the five Nordic countries within a global context and from historical and/or contemporary perspectives. For further information please click here.


  • Research Grant to a Ph.D. Student/Postdoctoral Researcher in Conflict/Post-conflict Studies

One research grant will be awarded to either a doctoral student or postdoctoral researcher to work on a research project on conflict and/or post-conflict. The focus of the proposed project should be located within Research Area 3, Theme 5 of EDDA’s Research Programme. The researcher will become a member of EDDA’s research team and take part in developing the research programme and strengthening the Center’s network of academics and institutions.

  • Research Grant to a Ph.D. Student/Postdoctoral Researcher in Gender and Development Studies

One research grant will be awarded to either a doctoral student or postdoctoral researcher to work on a research project on gender and development. The focus of the proposed project should be located within Research Area 3, Theme 5 of EDDA’s Research Programme. The researcher will become a member of EDDA’s research team and take part in developing the research programme and strengthening the Center’s network of academics and institutions.

  • Research Grant to a Ph.D. Student/Postdoctoral Researcher in Arctic Studies

One research grant will be awarded to either a doctoral student or a postdoctoral researcher to work on a research project on the Arctic/the North. The proposed project should be tied to EDDA’s Research Programme and be located within Research Area 3, Theme 6. The focus of the project should be on one or more of following research themes: (geo)politics, governance, security, gender, (in)equality, human rights, history and memory. The researcher will become a part of the EDDA research team and take part in developing the research programme and strengthening the Center’s network of academics and institutions.

  • Researcher – International Developments and Icelandic Foreign and Security Policies

The EDDA Center invites applications for a researcher in a project on the impact of current international political developments on Iceland’s foreign and security policies and its territorial and regional position.  This will be an interdisciplinary research project with emphasis on contemporary and historical approaches and with specific references to politics, history, security, international law, human rights, gender and equality, geography, economy and culture.

The researcher will be a member of the EDDA Center. One of EDDA‘s goals is to promote institutional links with diverse partners in Iceland and abroad and to influence public policy and societal developments. The researcher will take part in developing and maintaining such links. The research project is part of EDDA‘s Research Area 3: The Politics of Reconstruction and Sustainability.

  • Researcher – Gender and Climate Change

The EDDA Center invites applications for a researcher in a project on gender and climate change within the context of Iceland‘s development cooperation and/or post-conflict reconstruction policies.  The project will be interdisciplinary and focus on factors, such as sustainability, resilience, societal reconstruction and resource management.

The researcher will be a member of the EDDA Center. One of EDDA‘s goals is to promote institutional links with diverse partners in Iceland and abroad and to influence public policy and societal developments. The researcher will take part in developing and maintaining such links.

The research project is part of EDDA‘s Research Area 3, Theme 5: Transnational Discourse on Development, Conflict and Security.

  • This vacancy was open from 4 – 18 March 2011.

EDDA – Center of Excellence seeks a researcher to work – for up to 12 months – on research into well-being of modern nations in a comparative perspective. We are looking for a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher with good knowledge of theories and methodologies of well-being research in the social sciences. The tasks of the researcher are to further the goals of research Area 2 within the EDDA Center’s Strategic Research Programme (click here to see information about Area 2). This will primarily involve analyzing statistical data on well-being, including from the International Well-Being Data Bank, collecting new data to deepen and strengthen validity of outcomes, taking part in writing academic articles on well-being issues (individually and in collaboration with the leader of Area 2 Research Clusters), as well as introducing results at conferences. Good knowledge and experience of using SPSS, STATA, EXCEL and/or other programmes for statistical analysis, is required, as well as knowledge of advanced analytical methods. It is important that the researcher can start working as soon as possible.