The ReNEW Early Career Paper Prize Competition was held for the fourth time this year, and we had outstanding early career papers on research about the Nordic region.

From left: Mads Mordhorst, Copenhagen Business School (subst. for Caroline de la Porte), Sóllilja Bjarnadóttir, University of Iceland, Tuire Liimatainen, University of Helsinki and Peter G. Stadius, ReNEW and University of Helsinki.
This year’s winners are Sóllilja Bjarnadóttir, University of Iceland, who won the social science prize for her paper, Political Trust Is Not Enough: Trust in Institutions Beyond the State and Public Support for Energy Transition Policies and Tuire Liimatainen, University of Helsinki won the prize in humanities for her paper, Nation Within and Beyond: Constructing Diaspora and Nation in the Finnish Diaspora Policy.
This jury consisted of project leader of ReNEW and professor Peter G. Stadius, Helsinki University and professor Caroline de la Porte, Copenhagen Business School.
The 2023 ReNEW Early Career Paper Prize in social sciences was awarded to Betina Slagnes from University of Oslo and in humanities to Niri Ragnvold Johnsen from University of Adger.
Congratulations Tuire and Sóllilja!