The EDDA Center at the University of Iceland is an interdisciplinary Center of Excellence in critical contemporary research, with emphasis on (in)equality and difference; the welfare state; societal transitions and transnational politics; and security and develop­ment.

Book Publication: Welfare and the Great Recession

Welfare and the Great Recession: A Comparative Study has been published by Oxford University Press. The book is edited by EDDA researcher Stefán Ólafsson along with Mary Daly, Olli Kangas, and Joakim Palme. The edited volume focuses on the consequences of the European...

EDDA‘s Grant Renewed for Four Years

EDDA is pleased to announce that the board of the Strategic Research Programme for Centres of Excellence and Research Clusters (Rannis) has decided – following a mid-term review – to continue to fund the Center for the next four years. The grant amounts to 35 million...

Conference: Cultural Representations of Trauma

EDDA – Center of Excellence, in collaboration with the Institute of Research in Literature and Visual Arts at the University of Iceland, will host an international conference entitled Cultural Representations of Trauma. The conference will take place on 31 August–1...


Hádegisfyrirlestraröð RIKK er vettvangur kynningar á innlendum og erlendum rannsóknum sem snúa að kvenna- og kynjafræði og margbreytileika. Fyrirlestrarnir eru fluttir í hádeginu á fimmtudögum í samstarfi við Þjóðminjasafn Íslands, í fyrirlestrasal safnsins. Sjá dagskrá


vor 2019

Í fyrirlestrasal Þjóðminjasafns Íslands kl.12-13



RIKK stendur reglulega að ráðstefnum, málþingum og öðrum viðburðum sem tengjast kvenna- og kynjafræðum og margreytileika.

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RIKK í jafnréttisfræðum stendur að og tekur þátt í fjölda rannsóknarverkefna á sviði kvenna- og kynjafræða. Í ritröð stofnunarinnar, Fléttum eru birtar rannsóknir í kvenna- og kynjafræðum.





ReNEW Early Career Paper Prize 2024 Winners Announced

The ReNEW Early Career Paper Prize Competition was held for the fourth time this year, and we had outstanding early career papers on research about the Nordic region. From left: Mads Mordhorst, Copenhagen Business School (subst. for Caroli...