Himalayan Meltdown

Thursday, 11 November, at 16.30, Háskólatorg, room 105

Nepali journalist and writer Kunda Dixit speaks about how climate change is affecting the Himalayas, melt­ ing Asia’s water towers. Using photographs from Nepal, we see how the mountains are losing their per­ mafrost at a rate said to be three times faster than the rest of the world. How is this affecting Nepal and the region? How can poor countries cope with a problem they had no hand in creating? How is the media covering this crisis?

The lecture is hosted by EDDA – Center of Excellence and GET – The Gender Equality Training Programme at the University of Iceland. Chair: Guðmundur Páll Ólafsson, natural scientist and author.

Friday, 12 November, at 15.00, Árnagarði, room 311