The EDDA Research Center at the University of Iceland hosts the 7th Nordic Challenges Conference titled Uncertain Futures: Nordic (In-)Securities, New Geopolitics, and Societal Ruptures. The conference takes place on 22–24 May 2024 in Veröld and Háskólatorg at the University of Iceland.

This is the 7th Nordic Challenges Conference, part of the ReNEW (Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World) Nordic research network. Funded by NordForsk, ReNEW brings together six Nordic universities in one research hub. It will focus on several key themes shaping contemporary Nordic politics, societies, and cultures and their significance within a larger global context.

Speakers include Sergei Medvedev from the Charles University in Prague and Julia Suárez-Krabbe from the University of Roskilde.

The Conference programme is available here.